
Imagine: If every alumnus gave $50 per year, the resulting $4.5 million would create life-changing opportunities for students! 校友捐赠的高参与率激励其他人捐赠,并对全国大学排名产生积极影响. 你的礼物, 无论大小, 是否有助于提高你的学位价值和未来毕业生的成功.




基础的关系 & 企业慈善事业

如果你是 private or corporate foundation representative interested in partnering with A&移动商务, we are here to help:

  • 在大学里畅游.
  • Make introductions to researchers and academic leaders.
  • 合作确定最能支持组织工作和使命的大学优先事项和项目.
  • 安排校园参观.


There are many ways you can make an impact at A&移动商务 through a future gift. 我们的 规划我的遗产 site provides some helpful information to get you started. You may also contact the Office of 礼物规划 at (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8181.

Picture of a newspaper with information about stocks.



请透过电邮联络我们 (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8180有任何问题或对您的股票礼品的额外信息.



When you gift real property to A&移动商务, you may receive benefits such as a charitable income tax deduction, savings on capital gains taxes and a reduced taxable estate.

联络我们: (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8180.

使用 规划我的遗产 if your gift of real estate may be part of a planned gift.

关于捐赠不动产的好处,请咨询您的税务顾问. 房地产礼品由预算和会计办公室和总法律顾问系统办公室审查和批准.

Professor actively engaged in a conversation with a student.


请透过电邮联络我们 (电子邮件保护) or 903.468.8180 to discuss your non-cash gift. Approval is needed before items can be accepted.


Outright gifts provide immediate support to your university. 他们可以加强计划,建立或增加捐赠,或在最需要的领域提供援助. 他们还帮助大学完成教育的日常使命. 发现. 实现.

You can make an outright donation in the following ways:

Make a gift with a credit card or electronic check by phone at 903.468.8187 or 在线. You may choose a one-time or recurring gift.

When you make gifts by cash or check, 只要附上一张便条或使用支票上的备注来表达你对指定礼物的愿望.

Please make checks payable to:
皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Foundation

皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Foundation
P.O. 3425箱

女商人用手提电脑书写和签署空白的银行支票簿, mouse and digital tablet on the desk at office. Payment by check, paycheck, payroll concept.

Multiply your gift with employer matching.

Many corporations have demonstrated their support for A&移动商务通过匹配或加倍他们的现任或退休员工的礼物. 关于如何搭配你的礼物,请咨询你公司的人力资源部或我们的办公室. 搜索下面,看看你的公司是否有配对礼物计划,并了解更多关于如何启动这个过程.


My gift of $10, $50 or $100 would be a drop in the bucket. Will it really make a difference?

每一份礼物都是不同的,你的礼物可以完成比你想象的更多. A&移动商务 has over 90,000 living alumni. If every alumnus gave $50 per year, the resulting $4.5 million would create life-changing opportunities for students! 校友捐赠的高参与率激励其他人捐赠,并对全国大学排名产生积极影响. 你的礼物, 无论大小, 是否有助于提高你的学位价值和未来毕业生的成功.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

May I choose where my donation goes?

是的,绝对! 你决定给A&移动商务是自愿的,我们希望确保您的捐赠体验是最好的. 联系 (电子邮件保护) for further information on how to become a donor.

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Don’t you receive funding from The 皇冠体育365赌博&M大学系统? 他们就不能多帮点忙吗?

A&移动商务 does not receive funding from The 皇冠体育365赌博&M大学系统. 作为一所州立机构,我们的资金来自学生、德州立法机构和慈善机构.

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May I pay my donation out over time?

我们提供多种选择,使捐赠方便您,并与您的慈善目标保持一致. 礼品可以按月、按年或在指定的时间段内进行. 许下承诺 在线.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

I don't want anybody to know that I have made a contribution. Is it possible to remain anonymous?

是的, 我们努力工作,尊重捐赠者的意愿,并确保积极和令人满意的捐赠经验. 您所需要做的就是在捐款时通知我们您要求保持匿名. We will not make your contribution public.

你觉得这有用吗? 是的 No

My gift may encourage others to give. What kind of donor recognition is available?

We show appreciation to our donors in a myriad of ways, 但最重要的是, 以最能代表你作为捐助者的方式,以及你正在改变的对生活的影响. 管理你和你的礼物并传达你的支持的影响是a的优先事项&移动商务. Each gift and each donor’s story is unique. 我们将为您提供一个独特的捐助经验,反映您的慷慨的意图. To further discuss recognition options, please contact us at 903.468.8187 or (电子邮件保护).

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我收到了一封来自一家公司的电子邮件/明信片/电话,询问我的个人信息和一篇关于德克萨斯a的故事&M University-商务. Is this a legitimate project or is it a scam?

这是合法的! 我们已经与PCI(也被称为出版概念)合作,为德克萨斯A制作口述历史出版物&M University-商务. PCI is a family-owned business based in 达拉斯, TX that has published directories for educational institutions, 兄弟会, 联谊会, and military organizations across the nation for almost 100 years. 这个项目允许德州A&听听你的个人经历,并解释德克萨斯大学工商管理学院是如何做到的&M University-商务 has helped shape your lives.

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PCI is committed to protecting your information. 的名字, 为口述历史项目的出版而提供给PCI的地址和信息将由PCI保密, except to the extent that they are utilized in, 或在准备中, 口述历史项目,除非法院命令或法律要求. Upon completion of the project, PCI将从我们提供的或由PCI制作的与口述历史项目有关的任何及所有电子文件中编辑PII(个人身份信息).

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Who should I call if I have more questions?

如果你想和某人谈谈对某所大学的捐赠, 养老, 基金或项目, or if you would like to make a donation over the phone, please contact 金正日Jefferies in Philanthropy Operations at (电子邮件保护) or 903.886.5712. 
如果你想和某人谈谈关于桥梁建设者或年度捐赠, please contact Laura Lucas at 903.468.8181.

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What is the relationship between the university and the A&移动商务的基础?

基金会有一个独立的董事会,他们与a&移动商务,以满足战略目标,并通过筹集私人资金服务于大学的使命. 了解更多有关 基础板.

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所有的捐赠资金都是通过其相关的501(c)(3) (皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Foundation or the 皇冠体育365赌博&M University 校友会). All funds are managed by The 皇冠体育365赌博&M大学系统. The Foundation and 校友会 have a shared services affiliation with the university; therefore, 他们没有员工, equipment or space of their own. 大学员工为基金会和校友会的运作提供必要的服务和资源.

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How much does it cost to attend 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务?

A&移动商务以提供方便、负担得起的优质教育而自豪. 了解更多关于 出席费用.

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The Division of 慈善与参与 at A&移动商务随时准备帮助您实现慈善梦想. 我们的 professional staff oversees major giving, 计划给, 年度捐献, 操作, alumni relations and engagement. 他们期待着帮助你找到最好的方式来支持狮子一家. 请今天就皇冠体育365!


  • 2600 South Neal St, 商务, TX 75428 McDowell, Suite 350
  • P.O. 3425箱, 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3425